Important Note: Along with my professional knowledge, I am not afraid to share my story

You are my Why! My passion is in helping you deal with relationships and create meaningful connections to enhance support systems that promote healing and growth.
The strategies I offer you on how to move towards a life of flourishing and connection are the same ones that I use. I’m here to show you how to lean into the full experience of life.

Professional Credentials

Sajel Bellon is the Founder of Mind Armour® & SOS Psychotherapy specializing in the sciences of interpersonal interactions, human connection and life experiences. As a Behavioural Science Professor and Psychotherapist, she has developed programs and delivered talks around the globe for a variety of institutions, organizations and government agencies like Harvard, Berkeley, TEDx, Purolator and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Sajel Bellon

Sajel teaches people to put their pain into context so they can cope, adapt, and see the possibilities. She has a passion for educating and inspiring others about the ‘human’ experience of life. Her hope is to inspire and assist leaders and workplaces to create systemic, sustainable changes to support their people, while minimizing the resistance to change by promoting cultures that foster psychological safety & connection.

Your warmth, humour and passion for your work were a treat to encounter. Regarding the presentation: I was touched by your openness, your compassion for those who are travelling a difficult road, and your encouragement to all who listened. Seeing the group respond to what you had to say, and to one another in the small group activity was evidence that it was a timely message that was well received. Your message of being free to be human, free to feel what we are feeling and the encouragement to have compassion for others and for ourselves gives much food for thought for all who were present, myself included. Thank you.

~Seminar Guest