What Does Sajel Fight For

  • Sajel passionately fights for life, love, and humanity.
  • She fights to make everyone feel needed, wanted, and valued.
  • She fights for society’s acceptance of the notion that it is “okay to not be okay sometimes.”
  • She fights for win-win solutions based on inter-connected, integrated perspectives and purpose.
  • She fights for the underdog because they may not have found their voice yet, but have value.
  • Sajel fights to help people move from pain to possibilities, so they can become stronger and more resilient through their trauma.
  • She fights to “de-stigmatize” the suicidal mind, because it’s a normal, human reaction to unbearable emotions and painful experiences.
  • She fights for every life that is at risk of being tragically lost, when simple solutions like human connection and compassion are freely accessible and possible.

Ultimately, Sajel fights passionately for people to have access to knowledge and skills, enabling them to live full and meaningful lives, according to their own definition.